Saturday, July 28, 2012

Climbing Devils Tower, WY

Gabe and I made a quick run from South Dakota up to Devils Tower with the intent of doing a one day summit attempt on July 26th. We were a little wore out from climbing in South Dakota so we got a hotel in Hulett and got a good nights rest. We started later in the AM around 11:30 AM. The forecast was clear so we were not as concerned about thunderstorms but we still kept our eyes open to any changes. We went up the Assembly Line route which was a 5.9. We are not used to crack climbing so it was very challenging. It was 110' of sustained 5.9 crack. After we completed the pitch we were both pretty wore out. The last two pitches to the top were relatively easy. We signed the summit register and enjoyed the view from the top for about 20 minutes. Three rappels later, we were down on the ground and back to the parking by about 4:00 PM.
Gabe is starting the 5.9 pitch of the Assembly Line

Gabe and I holding the summit register at the top of Devils Tower

Gabe and I sitting on the edge and enjoying the view on the West side. We are clipped into two bolted anchors. You can see the visitor center and the lot where we parked below.

Gabe getting ready to start the first rappel down to the base 800' below.

This is a short video clip of Gabe mid-route on the crux of Assembly Line on Devils Tower.

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