Sunday, August 7, 2011

Great Sand Dune National Park

Two years ago I got a national parks book as a gift. I asked Gabe to look through it and pick parks he would like to explore someday. One of the parks he picked was Great Sand Dune National Park. My brother Paul described it as a "big kitty litter box" as we drove in on the entrance road. However as we began to hike the dunes to our destination (the 750 ft.dune)we all realized that this is a truly unique park. The mountains in the background offer a wonderful blue contrast to the brown sand dunes. Paul took the picture on the left of Gabe and I hiking toward the top of the 750 ft. dune and Paul is buried in sand on the right. The video shows Gabe sprinting down a small dune which give you an idea on the scale of the dunes.

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